The first day it rained it happened to be my birthday 12/17. It rained ALL day long. It never let up once. Instead of letting the rain ruin our plans we did what everyone else was doing - bought disney ponchos. When you think anything disney you don't think cheap but when our ponchos were only $6.50 (available in youth and adult for the same price) and very nice I was very surprised. The thick material was perfect for not only keeping the rain off of us but also keeping us warm.

We didn't have the option of skipping a day at disney due to the amount of days we had on our passes and our hotel reservations. If we had the option we may have opted to stay in the hotel room and watch disney DVDs.
When traveling to the park watch the weather. If needed bring along those umbrellas or ponchos. If you forget their options are inexpensive and readily available at most of the shops inside of the disney parks.
It rained our last 2 days of our visit to the park and even on the 3rd day as we drove home. Be careful when traveling as you may get stuck or plans change due to weather. Always have a backup plan.
*Pictures are property of Olivia's Disney Adventures and are not to be reproduced or distributed without permission of Olivia's Disney Adventures
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